One of the vital purposes of the Tsukuba Conference is to provide participants with opportunities to gain insights regarding how to bring about a great impact on international society through the commercialization of their ideas or research fruits and to find potential partners across borders and cultures for this purpose. The key here is the entrepreneurship for creating and spreading innovation around the globe. In this session, distinguished speakers will talk about this topic from various perspectives, while being based on their own experiences.
Yoshiyuki Sankai |
Executive Research Director, Center for Cybernics Research |
Kotaro Zamma |
Head of Open Innovation and Business Incubation Section, NTT Data Corporation |
Yoshiaki Ishii |
Director, Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office |
Lena Okajima |
CEO, Founder, ALE Co., Ltd. |
Shoko Takahashi |
CEO, Genequest Inc. |
Taiichiro Murakami |
COO, Representative Director, Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. |
Yuka Tanimoto |
Assistant Managing Editor / Chief Communication Director, Editorial Team, Forbes Japan |
山海 嘉之 |
CYBERDYNE株式会社 CEO・筑波大学 サイバニクス研究センター 教授/研究統括 |
残間 光太朗 |
株式会社NTTデータ オープンイノベーション事業創発室長 |
石井 芳明 |
内閣府 政策統括官(科学技術・イノベーション担当)付 企画官 |
岡島 礼奈 |
株式会社ALE 代表取締役 |
高橋 祥子 |
株式会社ジーンクエスト 代表取締役社長 |
村上 泰一郎 |
ピクシーダストテクノロジーズ株式会社 代表取締役COO |