According to a report published by the United Nations, spending to advance the SDGs is well below what is needed, despite investments by governments and development organizations in programs to support that effort. The gap is about US$2.5 trillion annually. On the other hand, it is said that achieving the SDGs will create at least US$12 trillion in business opportunities. For creating these huge business opportunities, investments and commitments from the private sector as well as the public sector are mandatory. In this regard, private companies should activate and promote their ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investments to facilitate the development of science and technology in collaboration with the public sector.
In this session, various types of public-private collaboration frameworks for this purpose as well as necessary knowledge and skills for professional practice in this field will be talked about from various angles.


Pedro Conceição Director, Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Mitsunobu R Kano Vice Executive Director, and Professor of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University
Science and Technology Co-Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs


Kaori Fujita Senior Deputy Editor, Nikkei ESG
Producer, Nikkei ESG Management Forum
Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

国連の試算では、SDGs達成には毎年約2兆5000億ドルが不足していると言われ、一方で新たに12兆ドルの市場を生み出すとも言われている。この新たな市場の開拓には、公的資金だけではなく民間資金が必要であり、そのために企業がESG投資に対応するSDGs経営に舵を切るだけでなく科学技術とのコラボレーションは不可欠である。そこで、「日本の若手研究者の活躍に向けた科学技術 × 政策決定 × 資金調達」のスキルや「研究の社会実装のためプロジェクト・マネジメント」など、具体的に必要な機能を備えていく必要があることを、登壇者が会場を巻き込みながら対面的に議論を行う。


ペドロ・コンセイソン 国連開発計画(UNDP)人間開発報告室長
狩野 光伸 岡山大学 副理事・大学院ヘルスシステム統合科学研究科 教授


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