JAXA is promoting activities that contribute to health and medical care as set forth by the SDGs through research results of satellite data and space environment utilization experiments. Protein crystal experiments are useful for new drug design support, small animal breeding is useful for aging research, and earth observation data is useful for public health in developing countries.
This time, we will introduce the activities. It will be an opportunity to know the connection between space and ground activities.



Dr.Chiaki Mukai (M.D., Ph.D.) Astronauts/JAXA Technical Counselor/Vice President of the Tokyo University of Science(Moderator)
Dr.Masayuki Yamamoto (M.D., Ph.D.) Director/Executive Vice President、PeptiDream Inc.
Dr.Kiyofumi Kaneshiro (Ph.D.) Executive Vice President of PeptiDream Inc
Dr.Kei Oyoshi (Ph.D.) Associate Senior Researcher, Earth Observation Research Center, JAXA


  1. 宇宙ステーション(微小重力環境)を利用した創薬研究支援を通じた医療への貢献
  2. 宇宙ステーション(微小重力環境)を利用した老化研究による健康長寿社会形成への貢献
  3. 衛星データを利用した公衆衛生への貢献



向井 千秋 宇宙飛行士、JAXAJAXA技術参与、東京理科大副学長
山本 雅之 東北大学・東北メディカルメガバンク機構長
金城 聖文 ペプチドリーム(株)取締役副社長
大吉 慶 JAXA第一宇宙技術部門地球観測研究センター主任研究員