This session provides a forum for discussion of the goals and current status of NARO’s R&D initiatives towards the realization of Society 5.0 in agriculture and food production, which also correspond to its contributions to the SDGs, including exhibits of related information.
Society 5.0 in agriculture and food production, artificial intelligence, smart breeding, Pest smart solutions, SDGs
Nobusuke IWASAKI, Ph.D
Leader, Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis Unit, Division of Informatics and Inventory, Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO
Development of digitalization and analysis methods for historical geospatial information, and dissemination, share and application of various kind of data for AI.
Takehiko YAMANAKA, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher, AI Research Promotion Section, Research Center for Agricultural Information Technology, NARO
I’m a quantitative ecologist and basically an applied entomologist. I'm currently working on field survey data of pest insects with statistical techniques and on image diagnosis of pest symptom with machine learning techniques.
Junichi Yonemaru, Ph.D.
Leader, Breeding Strategies Research Unit, Institute of Crop Science, NARO
Research Theme; The development of breeding method which combined informatics with genetics for rice.
農研機構が目指す農業・食品分野におけるSociety 5.0の絵姿を研究開発中の事例を交えて紹介し、目標設定、シナリオ、必要な連携などについて議論する。SDGsへの貢献についても言及するとともに関連情報を展示する。
Society 5.0 in agriculture and food production, artificial intelligence, smart breeding, Pest smart solutions, SDGs
岩崎 亘典
農研機構農業環境変動研究センター農業空間情報解析ユニット ユニット長
山中 武彦
農研機構農業情報研究センター農業AI研究推進室 上級研究員
米丸 淳一
農研機構次世代作物開発研究センター育種法開発ユニット ユニット長