In Japan, following the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Act in December 2018, various efforts to advance regional adaptation measures have initiated. As the effects of climate change differ greatly depending on the local conditions, it is essential to enhance collaboration between local people and experts to develop effective measures based on scientific knowledge such as understanding of the current situation and future forecasts. In order to accelerate climate change adaptation measures, this session will discuss the way of stakeholder collaboration and how to expand the knowledge obtained in one region to other regions.

Keynote Speaker

  • Dr. Amy Luers
    Executive Director, Future Earth, CA
    Climate Risk Management at Scale

Part.2 Speakers

  • Dr. Daichi Suto
    Ministry of Environment
    Climate change adaptation policies in Japan

  • Dr. Kazutaka Oka
    National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
    Introduction of climate change adaptation platform and related activities

  • Dr. Hideo Shiogama
    National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
    Climate change and extreme weather events

  • Dr. Takuya Togawa
    National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
    Combined impacts of climate change on local societies
  • Brian Johnson
    Dr. Brian Johnson
    Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
    Making land-use climate resilient: A participatory watershed management approach in the Philippines



  • Dr. Amy Luers
    Executive Director, Future Earth, CA
    Climate Risk Management at Scale(広域スケールにおける気候変動リスク管理)


  • 須藤 大地
    Climate change adaptation policies in Japan (日本の気候変動適応策)

  • 岡和 孝
    Introduction of climate change adaptation platform and related activities(気候変動適応プラットフォームと適応推進活動の紹介)

  • 塩竈 秀夫
    Climate change and extreme weather events(気候変動と異常気象)

  • 戸川 卓哉
    Combined impacts of climate change on local societies(気候変動の地域社会への複合影響)
  • Brian Johnson
    Brian Johnson
    地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)・Research Manager
    Making land-use climate resilient: A participatory watershed management approach in the Philippines(気候変動に対する強靭な土地利用~フィリピンにおける住民参加型流域管理~)


climate change, adaptation, stakeholder dialogue, community-based approach