In the world of Society 5.0, AI, IoT, and robot which will collect and share various information for among people will create new values for our life. So, our society will be developed into comfortable livable space with high quality. Through these procedures, we can expect to resolve our accumulated challenges and develop our sustainable economy.
Above all, we insist that Mobility Network can contribute to develop better city and rural life. In the concept of Mobility Network, as the nation, local governments, companies, and citizens work together, so transportation infrastructure create three type of networks, such as large-scale networks (global to Japan), middle size networks (wider metropolitan area), and small size networks (city, town, and village).
In the session, we will talk some of the latest issues from national policies and private companies. And we will invite a panelist from Finland where the up-to-date of Mobility Network is going on. He has been getting involved in MaaS (Mobility as a Service) in Helsinki. We are going to talk how Mobility Network innovates city and rural life.
We will discuss how to achieve Society 5.0 and how Mobility Network plays a role, and think about challenges and policies for our digital life.

Autonomous bus in Smart City (Helsinki)

Sharing e-scooter (Frankfurt)

Road reallocation for bus and bicycle (Paris)

Livable urban area with Tram (Strasbourg)
Takashi YOSHIMURA | Director, Industrial Technology Bureau, Keidanren: Japan Business Federation. |
Isamu TAKAHARA | Deputy Director General for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office. |
Haruo ISHIDA | Professor Emeritus, the University of Tsukuba. |
Mayumi FUKUYAMA | General Manager CIO, Technology Management Centre, Technology Strategy Office, Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group. |
Mikko Koskue | Program Director, Business Finland. |
Hiroyuki MARUKAWA | Managing Director, Japan Project Industry Council. |
Society 5.0の世界は、AI、IOT、ロボットによって、様々な情報が人間の間で共有化され、新たな付加価値が生まれることで、質の高い快適な社会生活空間が形作られます。これを通じて、山積するわが国の課題が解決され、持続的に経済が発展することが強く期待されます。
今回のセッションでは、国の政策や企業の最新の動向、更には、モビリティネットワークの最先端を行くフィンランドから、MaaS(Mobility as a service)に実際に携わっているパネラーを招聘し、モビリティネットワークが街づくりを大きく変革させている状況を紹介します。
Society 5.0の実現と、モビリティネットワークが果たす役割を具体的に議論し、課題と方策を考えます。奮ってご参加ください。




吉村 隆 | 一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会 産業技術本部長 |
高原 勇 | 内閣府 大臣官房審議官 科学技術・イノベーション担当 |
石田 東生 | 筑波大学 名誉教授・特命教授 |
福山 満由美 | 株式会社日立製作所研究開発グループ技術統括センター長兼CIO |
Mikko Koskue | Business Finland Inc. Senior Adviser |
丸川 裕之 | 一般社団法人 日本プロジェクト産業協議会専務理事 |