Tsukuba has developed to become the largest Science City in Japan, and the city is home to 150 numerous prominent research institutions which generate the seeds of technology to make new products and services. Our city conducts various social implementation projects collaborating with institutions. What is our strength as a Startup City? We will explore the possibilities of expansion as a Startup City through discussion among our collaborating cities.


Mayor, City of Tsukuba
After graduation from College of International Studies, University of Tsukuba, completed Department of Political Science, MSc in Public Policy, University College London. Received Ph.D. in International Political Economy, Graduate school of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba.
Elected to be Tsukuba City Councilor from 2004 to 2012 (1st term and 2nd term). In 2010, founded “GOKIGEN FARM” for solving the problem of agricultural matters and employment of people with special needs.
Elected to be Mayor of Tsukuba city (1st term) in 2016.
Tsukuba Startup Strategy was drawn up in December 2018 and incubation facility “Tsukuba Startup Park” was unveiled in September 2019. The city is contemplating to support venture companies, with applying its characteristic as a science city
Tak Umezawa
Partner & Japan Chairman, A.T. Kearney
Chairman, CIC Japan
Tak Umezawa has advised leading corporations in Japan and the US for over 20 years. Areas of his expertise include strategy and innovation.
He sits on government committees on Cool Japan, design and intellectual property, and inbound tourism. He is Adjunct Professor on leadership at the Hitotsubashi ICS. He appears as a commentator on a business news program “World Business Satellite” on TV TOKYO.
He leads the effort to launch CIC Tokyo in 2020. It will be the largest city-center startup campus in Japan.
TAKASU Masakazu
Co-Founder: Nico-Tech Shenzhen Community
TAKASU Masakazu, has supported Maker Faire Shenzhen, Singapore Maker carnival Shanghai and some events, takes us on a journey to his homeland of Japan and their exciting ways of using technology, design and science. He is the most experienced person of Maker Faire in Asia, now based in Shenzhen.
He is also connected all around Makers, even in Asia and Japan. His company Switch Science is the most famous maker tool platform in Japan, and also DIY Indie product marketplace.
Managing Director, Endeavor Japan
After working for a US-based global strategic consulting firm, Ryoko joined to a global Bio/Medical devices company as a manager within the corporate planning division, where she was in charge of executing a company-wide marketing and sales re-processing and re-organizing project. In 2008, she joined a start-up company, where she was responsible for establishing a new division within that company. After that division was sold, Ryoko joined PwC PRTM (currently PwC's Strategy&) and managed various consulting and marketing initiatives. In May 2017, she joined Endeavor Japan to help establishing the Japan office. Endeavor is 22-year-old global NPO and today, Endeavor operates offices in nearly 40 markets across Latin America, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, and the United States and supports over 1,400 high-impact entrepreneurs around the world.
Engineering (BS) and Agriculture and Life Science (BS) at Cornell University



五十嵐 立青
筑波大学国際総合学類卒業、ロンドン大学 UCL 公共政策研究所修士課程修了後、筑波大学大学院人文社会科学研究科修了(国際経済学博士号)。2004年より2期続けてつくば市議会議員。2010年、障害者雇用と農業の問題を同時に解決するための農場「ごきげんファーム」を設立。2016年、つくば市長に当選し、現在一期目。2018年12月につくば市スタートアップ戦略を策定し、2019年9月には、つくばスタートアップパークをオープン。研究機関が集積するつくば市の強みを活かしたスタートアップ支援を行っている。
梅澤 高明
A.T. カーニー 日本法人会長/CIC Japan会長
東京大学法学部卒、MIT経営学修士。日米で20年以上にわたり、戦略・イノベーションなどのテーマで企業を支援。クールジャパン、知財・デザイン、インバウンド観光などのテーマで政府委員会の委員を務める。一橋ICS特任教授、テレビ東京「ワールドビジネスサテライト」コメンテーター。国内最大の都心型スタートアップ・キャンパス(CIC Tokyo)の2020年開設に向けて準備中。
高須 正和
Maker向けツールの開発・販売をしている株式会社スイッチサイエンスのGlobal Business Developmentとして、中国深圳をベースに世界の様々なMaker Faireに参加し、パートナーを開拓している。
Maker Faireはアメリカ発DIYや起業家の集まる世界的なハードウェアイベントで、同様のイベントは日本ほかアジア各地で開催されており、高須は深圳、シンガポール、上海などで運営をサポートしている。
眞鍋 亮子
米系戦略コンサルティングファーム勤務後、米系製薬・医療機器会社の経営企画部門に勤務、全社営業・マーケティング改革などのプロジェクトをリード。その後スタートアップに参画、一部門の立ち上げを行う。立ち上げた部門を売却後、PwC PRTM (現 PwC Strategy&) に入社、コンサルティングやマーケティングに従事。2017年5月より世界最大級の起業家ネットワークでもある国際的NPO Endeavorの日本オフィス、Endeavor Japanの立ち上げに参画。コーネル大学工学部、農学・生命科学部卒業


Tsukuba Science City, Startup, Technology seeds, Society 5.0