Infectious diseases have no borders, and global infectious diseases control requires international cooperation. Prof. William Hall of University College Dublin an expert with extensive knowledge and deep experience in the field of international cooperation in emerging infectious diseases and Prof. Hirofumi Sawa of Hokkaido University Research Center for Zoonosis Control who have been collaborated with Zambia University for long time, with abundant experience in research on emerging infectious diseases are invited. We will discuss the strategy of the flow of Bench to the Bed and to the Global Field with researchers who are practicing international cooperation in infectious disease control, by highlighting the issues that are continuously necessary in this field.


Prof. William Hall University College Dublin
Prof. Hirofumi Sawa Hokkaido University, Research Center for Zoonosis Control


感染症には国境が無く、地球規模の感染症には国際協力が欠かせない。新興感染症の国際協力分野で広い知識と深い経験のある専門家であるUniversity College DublinのWilliam Hall教授とアフリカZambiaとの協力で新興感染症研究の豊富な経験を持つ北大の澤教授を招聘しBench to Bed to Global Fieldの流れの戦略を感染症対応の国際協力を実践している研究者とこの分野に継続的に必要な問題をあぶり出し、議論する。


ウイリアムホール教授 ユニバーシティー・カレッジ・ダブリン
澤洋文教授 北海道大学人獣共通感染症リサーチセンター