Science diplomacy is not new, but it has never been more important. The potential contribution of science to foreign policy is attracting more attention in a growing number of countries. Many of the vital challenges we face today have scientific dimensions. No one country will be able to solve these problems on its own. The tools, techniques and tactics of foreign policy need to adapt to a world of increasing scientific and technical complexity.
In this session, distinguished speakers from government and academia in various countries will discuss an increasingly crucial role for science in diplomacy and international policymaking taking marine development as a practical example.
Hanem Ahmed (Dr.) (Ms) | Cultural Attaché (Culture, Education and Science), Embassy of Egypt, Japan |
Griff Jones (Mr.) | First Secretary, Head of Science and Innovation, British Embassy, Japan |
Osamu Kobayashi (Mr.) | Director, Department of International Affairs , Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) |
Koshi Nitta (Mr.) | Director, International Science and Technology Affairs Division, Science and Technology Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) |
Melinda M. Pavek (Ms.) | Director, Science, Innovation and Development Unit, Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Tokyo |
Hide Sakaguchi (Dr.) | Executive Director, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Svein Grandum (Dr.) | Counsellor, Science, Technology and Higher Education, Trade and Technology Office, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Japan |
Science Diplomacy
現代社会が直面する問題の多くは、その解決のために、国際的な協力体制のもとでの科学技術の活用を必要としている。本セッションは、この点における科学技術外交(Science Diplomacy)の重要性や課題、将来的展望について、実際的な例として海洋開発もとりあげつつ、この分野の最前線で活躍する国内外の実務家・研究者により、多面的に議論を行う。
Hanem Ahmed | 駐日エジプト大使館 文化アタッシェ(文化・教育・科学担当) |
Griff Jones | 駐日英国大使館 サイエンス・イノベーション部 部長・一等書記官 |
小林 治 | 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 国際部長 |
新田 浩史 | 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策局 科学技術・学術戦略官(国際担当) |
Melinda M. Pavek | 駐日米国大使館 経済部 科学・イノベーション・開発課 課長 |
阪口 秀 | 国立研究開発法人海洋開発研究機構 理事 |
Svein Grandum (Dr.) | Counsellor, Science, Technology and Higher Education, Trade and Technology Office, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Japan |
Science Diplomacy