A global networking system for medicine has high potential to be a new solution for overcoming health disparities within/between different countries. Through this session, we will introduce the idea of a global networking system in medicine followed by presentations from specialists in medicine, economics, and global health. There will also be a panel discussion on the advantages and challenges of global networking.
We introduce a collaborative telemedicine project for proton therapy organized between the University of Tsukuba Hospital and Hospital Santa Cruz, Brazil. We will be asking the question can we overcome geographical distance through high technology and human networking for better medicine?
Seminar@ Hospital SANTA CRUZ
Alianca Coffee Plantation, Sao Pauro, BRAZIL
- Hideyuki SAKURAI
- Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba / Director, Proton Beam Therapy Center, University of Tsukuba Hospital
- I am currently a professor and Chairman in Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, and also Director in Proton Beam Therapy Center, University of Tsukuba Hospital. I have been holding leadership, supervisory and administrative positions in particle therapy research in Japanese Society of Radiation Oncology (JASTRO), because I am chair of particle therapy committee in JASTRO. In addition, brachytherapy, hyperthermia and boron neutron capture therapy are also my special interest.
- Santa Cruz Hospital
- Head, Neurosurgeon - Santa Cruz Hospital, Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at São Paulo State Public health hospital, and medical advisor to JICA.
I graduated from Marilia Medical College in 1984, and Neurosurgery at Hospital of the National Institute of Medical Assistance and Social Security in 1990, and Residency in Pediatric Neurosurgery at Osaka University Medical School, Japan, 1992. Postgraduate Course (Doctorate) from University of São Paulo Medical School in 2005.
- Marcelo TSUJI
- Santa Cruz Hospital
- B. Sc. in Economics – University of Sao Paulo
Postgraduate Studies in Economics – University of Cambridge
M. Sc. In Philosophy and Mathematical Logic – University of Sao Paulo Ph. D in Philosophy and Mathematical Logic – University of Sao Paulo
Business and Financial Consultant to several Brazilian and Multinational Corporations. At the moment is Board Member and Financial Director of Hospital Santa Cruz.
- Professor, University of São Paulo
- Born at Ueda, Nagano, Japan, in 1948. Emigrated to Brazil in 1954 with his parents. Bachelor in Law and Letters by São Paulo University, 1971 and 1972. Master of Laws and Doctor of Laws, The University of Tokyo, 1976 and 1981. Attorney-at-law in Brazil since 1983. Professor Doctor at Faculty of Law, São Paulo University, since 1986. President of Information and Support Center for Brazilians Abroad (CIATE) since 1992.
Panel Discussion - Speakers
- Eduardo Yukio TANAKA
- Santa Cruz Hospital
- 2009-2014 - Residency at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2014-2015 - Chief Resident in Urology at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2015 - Observership at University of Southern California
2014 - Attending Urologist, Santa Cruz Hospital, Sao Paulo, SP.
2016 - Attending Urologist, Brazilian Institute for Cancer Control, Sao Paulo, SP.
- Santa Cruz Hospital
- I graduated Medicine at the Federal University of São Paulo in 2009. At the same institution completed the residency in general surgery in 2013, digestive tract surgery in 2015 and liver transplant in 2016.
Now I act as a general surgeon, as well as bariatric and oncological surgeon
- Patricia KAKIZAKI
- Santa Cruz Hospital
- Santa Cruz Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology - Retina Sector 2004-2010: Graduated in Medicine from Federal University of Paraná - Brazil 2011-2014: Residency in Ophthalmology at Federal University of Sao Paulo –
2014-2016: Fellowship in Retina at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2016: Macula specialization at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2016- now: Retina Surgeon – Brazilian and Japanese beneficent society – Santa Cruz Hospital, Sao Paulo.
2017 – now: Medical Director – Santa Cruz Eye Institute, Sao Paulo (HSC)
- Akira HARA
- Vice President, Executive Director of University of Tsukuba,
Director of University of Tsukuba Hospital,
Professor, Faculty of Medicine (Specialized Field of Otorhinolaryngology), M.D., Ph.D.
- Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Tsukuba
- Social Anthropologist. After graduating from International Christian University (ICU) where he studied philosophy, he moved to Tokyo Union Theological University. After working as an aid-worker in Mozambique and Ethiopia during the famines, he studied Development Studies and then Social Anthropology in Swansea University, University of East Anglia and London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London). After serving as a lecturer at University of Edinburgh, he now serves as a professor of anthropology at University of Tsukuba. He is the author of The Anthropology of Nuclear Power (Seidosha) and several articles including “The Work of Artworks” and the co-author of The Social Life of Trees (Berg), Lilies of the Field (Westview) etc.
- 櫻井 英幸
- 筑波大学医学医療系教授/筑波大学附属病院陽子線治療センター部長
- I am currently a professor and Chairman in Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, and also Director in Proton Beam Therapy Center, University of Tsukuba Hospital. I have been holding leadership, supervisory and administrative positions in particle therapy research in Japanese Society of Radiation Oncology (JASTRO), because I am chair of particle therapy committee in JASTRO. In addition, brachytherapy, hyperthermia and boron neutron capture therapy are also my special interest.
- 西国 幸四郎
- サンタクルス病院
- Head, Neurosurgeon - Santa Cruz Hospital, Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at São Paulo State Public health hospital, and medical advisor to JICA.
I graduated from Marilia Medical College in 1984, and Neurosurgery at Hospital of the National Institute of Medical Assistance and Social Security in 1990, and Residency in Pediatric Neurosurgery at Osaka University Medical School, Japan, 1992. Postgraduate Course (Doctorate) from University of São Paulo Medical School in 2005.
- Marcelo TSUJI
- サンタクルス病院
- B. Sc. in Economics – University of Sao Paulo
Postgraduate Studies in Economics – University of Cambridge
M. Sc. In Philosophy and Mathematical Logic – University of Sao Paulo Ph. D in Philosophy and Mathematical Logic – University of Sao Paulo
Business and Financial Consultant to several Brazilian and Multinational Corporations. At the moment is Board Member and Financial Director of Hospital Santa Cruz.
- 二宮 正人
- サンパウロ大学教授
- Born at Ueda, Nagano, Japan, in 1948. Emigrated to Brazil in 1954 with his parents. Bachelor in Law and Letters by São Paulo University, 1971 and 1972. Master of Laws and Doctor of Laws, The University of Tokyo, 1976 and 1981. Attorney-at-law in Brazil since 1983. Professor Doctor at Faculty of Law, São Paulo University, since 1986. President of Information and Support Center for Brazilians Abroad (CIATE) since 1992.
- Eduardo Yukio TANAKA
- サンタクルス病院
- 2009-2014 - Residency at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2014-2015 - Chief Resident in Urology at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2015 - Observership at University of Southern California
2014 - Attending Urologist, Santa Cruz Hospital, Sao Paulo, SP.
2016 - Attending Urologist, Brazilian Institute for Cancer Control, Sao Paulo, SP.
- サンタクルス病院
- I graduated Medicine at the Federal University of São Paulo in 2009. At the same institution completed the residency in general surgery in 2013, digestive tract surgery in 2015 and liver transplant in 2016.
Now I act as a general surgeon, as well as bariatric and oncological surgeon
- Patricia KAKIZAKI
- サンタクルス病院
- Santa Cruz Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology - Retina Sector 2004-2010: Graduated in Medicine from Federal University of Paraná - Brazil 2011-2014: Residency in Ophthalmology at Federal University of Sao Paulo –
2014-2016: Fellowship in Retina at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2016: Macula specialization at Federal University of Sao Paulo
2016- now: Retina Surgeon – Brazilian and Japanese beneficent society – Santa Cruz Hospital, Sao Paulo.
2017 – now: Medical Director – Santa Cruz Eye Institute, Sao Paulo (HSC)
- 原 晃
- 筑波大学副学長・理事 / 筑波大学附属病院長 / 筑波大学医学医療系教授
- 内山田 康
- 筑波大学人文社会系教授
- Social Anthropologist. After graduating from International Christian University (ICU) where he studied philosophy, he moved to Tokyo Union Theological University. After working as an aid-worker in Mozambique and Ethiopia during the famines, he studied Development Studies and then Social Anthropology in Swansea University, University of East Anglia and London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London). After serving as a lecturer at University of Edinburgh, he now serves as a professor of anthropology at University of Tsukuba. He is the author of The Anthropology of Nuclear Power (Seidosha) and several articles including “The Work of Artworks” and the co-author of The Social Life of Trees (Berg), Lilies of the Field (Westview) etc.