2019年7月10日(水)、文部科学省(東京都千代田区)において、2019年10月2日(水)~4日(金)に開催される筑波会議2019とWorld Cultural Council(WCC)第36回授賞式について記者発表を行いました。

筑波会議の特徴は若手を対象としていることであり、会議の場では、若手の研究者・起業家・経営者・政策立案者等が、国・地域を越えて交流を深め、世界に向けて未来のビジョンを発信することが期待されます。永田委員長は、初回となる今回の筑波会議は、9年前から毎年開催されているTsukuba Global Science Week(TGSW)(主催:筑波大学)と同程度の規模から始めることになるが、将来的には「若手版のダボス会議」となることを目指していきたいとの抱負を述べました。


さらに、永田委員長から、第36回World Cultural Council(WCC)授賞式が、筑波会議の中で、WCCと筑波大学によるスペシャルセッションとして開催されることが併せて発表されました。WCCによる授賞式は、科学・教育・芸術の各分野において優れた業績を上げた人物への顕彰の場として、毎年開催されており、例年、オックスフォード大学、プリンストン大学、マサチューセッツ工科大学といった世界の著名な大学がホスト機関となっています。今年は、アルバート・アインシュタイン科学賞およびレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ芸術賞の授賞式について、筑波大学がホスト機関を務め、日本で初めて開催されることになりました。

(参考) 筑波会議委員会委員名簿

Tokyo – Dr. Kyosuke Nagata, the Chair of the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council and the President of the University of Tsukuba gave a press conference at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and announced that the Tsukuba Conference will be held from October 2nd to 4th, 2019 at the International Congress Center in Tsukuba Science City. He was accompanied by Dr. Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, Director of the Board and Chairperson of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, who represents the industrial sector in the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council.

Dr. Nagata described Tsukuba Conference as a platform where young leaders in industry, government and academia gather together from around the world, beyond all borders, be it national, professional, disciplinary or institutional, and discuss a diverse range of issues and challenges in science and technology within the context of global society. Dr. Nagata hopes that this conference will act as an international forum for young scientists, entrepreneurs, industrialists and policy-makers to be networked with each other and to express their visions of the future to the world. While stating that Tsukuba Conference is expected to be roughly the same size as Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW), which the University of Tsukuba has annually hosted over the last nine years, President Nagata envisaged the conference as something that aspires to be a "young version of the World Economic Forum".

Dr. Kobayashi reiterated Dr. Nagata’s remark by expressing his belief that Tsukuba Conference is an important attempt, under industry-government-academia collaboration, to facilitate entrepreneurship, create innovation, and tackle diverse issues facing today’s society.

Dr. Nagata also announced that the 36th World Cultural Council Awards Ceremony will be held as a special session. He expressed the auspiciousness of the occasion as it will be the first university in Japan to host the awards and in this regard, will join the group of universities around the world such as Oxford and Princeton Universities as well as Massachusetts Institute of Technology which have hosted this awards ceremony in the past. Two awards will be given, one being the 'Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts' and the 'Albert Einstein World Award of Science' being the other.

Click here to see the member list of the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council