Privacy Policy for Tsukuba Conference
For the purposes described in section 1 of this Privacy Policy, the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council (hereinafter, the “Council”) will ask people planning to participate in the Tsukuba Conference (hereinafter, the “Conference”), an international convention hosted by the Council, to provide their personal data. Personal data to be provided will be processed appropriately in compliance with applicable Japanese laws and regulations, , etc., with strong awareness of the importance of security.
All prospective participants of the Conference are required to read this Privacy Policy.
If you agree to this condition, please check the “Agree” box in the “Privacy Policy Confirmation” check box.
If you do not agree, please do not provide your personal information to the Council. Please note that in such a case, you cannot participate in the Conference or use the Conference-related websites.
[For residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK)]
Personal data to be provided by residents of the EEA and the UK will be processed appropriately in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), in addition to applicable Japanese laws and regulations, etc., with strong awareness of the importance of security. Such personal data will be transferred to the Council, which is located outside the EEA and the UK, and the Commission has not decided that the Council offers an adequate level of data protection in accordance with Article 45 of the GDPR.
If you agree to this condition as well as the transfer of your personal data to countries outside the EEA and the UK, please check the “Agree” box in the “Privacy Policy Confirmation” column.
1. Purposes of the use of personal data
The Council will use personal data for the following purposes.
- To register for participation in the Conference
- To provide announcements concerning the details of the Conference and notices for registered participants
- To show participants’ names, affiliation, department, etc. on the Conference website or online conference systems for the purpose of properly operating the Conference
- To show participants’ names, affiliation, department, etc. in the Conference’s publications and reports
- To request travel agencies to reserve airline tickets
- To provide accommodation information or make accommodation arrangements
- To issue invitations or visa application documents
- To carry out procedures for security export control
- To perform accounting work
- To transfer money for rewards and other necessary expenses to bank accounts
- To ensure your safety and carry out crisis management measures
- To take the necessary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- To reply to your inquiries
- To respond to your special requests for meals and other services
- To conduct questionnaire surveys with participants and collect feedback
- To understand demographic trends among participants of the Conference
- To send announcements for future Conference sessions
- To notify changes in laws and policies relating to the processing of personal data provided
- To perform various other procedures necessary to operate the Conference, send necessary notices, and so on
- [For residents of the EEA and the UK]
The legal basis for the Council to use personal data obtained is the consent given by the data subject (Article 6, paragraph 1, item (a) of the GDPR).
2. Personal data to be obtained
The Council will ask you and those accompanying you for the Conference to provide the following personal data.
- Name, affiliation, department, job title, e-mail address, nationality (citizenship), country of residence
In addition, the Council may ask participants to provide the following personal data on an as-needed basis in order to make requests for speeches, make arrangements for airline tickets and accommodations, pay rewards, provide special support, and so on. - Contact information of the place of employment or activity (address, job title, e-mail address, telephone number)
- Contact information (residence address, telephone number)
- Copy of the personal data pages of the passport
- Career summary (CV), photo
- Information provided to the Council, including inquiries made to the Council, special demands, and replies to questionnaire surveys
- Bank account information
- Emergency contact information
- Other minimum information for participation in the Conference or implementation of necessary procedures after the Conference
Management of personal data
The Council will appropriately manage personal data obtained, retain such data until the end of the fiscal year in which the next Conference is held, and take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal data.
4. Provision of personal data to third parties
The Council will not provide your personal data to third parties, except when your consent has been received.
However, in the following cases, the Council may provide personal data to third parties within a minimally necessary range.
- In cases where the Ministry of Justice’s Immigration Services Agency demands disclosure of your personal data.
- In cases where your personal data are provided to insurance companies, etc. as part of efforts to comply with laws and regulations.
- In cases where you fall sick or are involved in an accident or a natural disaster while you participate in the Conference, and hospitals, administrative agencies, etc. ask for your personal data in order to secure your safety or carry out risk management measures.
- In cases where you participate in the Tsukuba Conference face-to-face and one of the other face-to-face participants is found to be positive for the COVID-19 or has had a close contact with the COVID-19, and a public institution such as a public health center ask for your personal data in order to take necessary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
5. Outsourcing of the processing of personal data
To achieve the purposes described in section 1 of this Privacy Policy, the Council may outsource the processing of personal data obtained to external entities within a minimally necessary range. In such a case, the Council will choose a data processing agent with which a contract has been entered into concerning obligations such as those to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and refrain from using data for purposes other than the above-mentioned purposes. The Council will exercise necessary supervision to ensure that the data processing agent manages personal data safely and appropriately.
6. Rights of the data subject
The data subject will have the following rights. If you desire to exercise these rights, please contact the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council Secretariat in advance. The contact information of the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council Secretariat is provided in section 7 of this Privacy Policy.
- Right to access the data subject’s own personal data and information on the processing of such data
- Right to request rectification or erasure the data subject’s own personal data.
- Right to request the data controller for restriction of processing concerning the data subject
- Right to data portability
- Right to object to processing of the data subject’s own personal data
- Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning the data subject or similarly significantly affects him or her
- Right to withdraw consent at any time without being subject to any disadvantages. (However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.)
- [For residents of the EEA and the UK]
Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority established in each country to supervise the application of the GDPR
7. Contact information (personal data controller)
- Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council Secretariat
- e-mail address:
EEA等に所在する方から提供いただく個人データについては、前述の日本国の関係法令等に加え、EU一般データ保護規則第2016/679号(General Data Protection Regulation(以下「GDPR」といいます。)を遵守し、セキュリティの重要性を認識した上で適切に取り扱います。また、ご提供いただいた個人データについては、EEA等域外に所在する委員会へ移転します。なお、委員会はGDPR第45条に規定された十分性認定を受けておりません。
- 筑波会議の参加者登録
- 筑波会議の実施内容の案内や参加登録者向けのお知らせの提供のため
- 筑波会議運営のため、参加者の名前や所属先を筑波会議のWebサイトやオンライン会議システムに表示するため
- 筑波会議の出版物や報告書に、名前や所属先を記載するため
- 旅行代理店に航空券の手配の依頼のため
- 宿泊先の紹介や予約手配のため
- 招へい状や査証申請に必要な書類を発行するため
- 安全保障輸出管理にかかる手続きを行うため
- 経理業務のため
- 銀行口座に謝金などの必要経費を振り込むため
- 貴殿の安全確保、危機管理対応のため
- 新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大防止に必要な対応を行うため
- 貴殿からのお問い合わせへの回答のため
- 貴殿からの特別な要望に応じて食事やその他サービスを提供するため
- 参加者向けアンケート調査やフィードバックの収集のため
- 筑波会議参加者の傾向を把握するため
- 今後の筑波会議の開催案内を送付するため
- 提供頂いた個人データの取り扱いに関する法律やポリシーの変更をお知らせするため
- その他筑波会議に関する業務上必要な諸手続き及び連絡等のため
- 氏名、所属、職名、Emailアドレス、国籍(市民権)、居住国
また、以下の個人データについては、講演や出張の依頼、航空券や宿泊先の手配、謝金の支払い、特別なサポートへの対応など、必要に応じて別途提供頂くことがあります。 - 勤務先または所属機関の連絡先(住所・職名・Emailアドレス・電話番号)
- 連絡先(自宅住所、電話番号)
- 旅券(パスポート)の個人データページの写し、市民権
- 略歴(CV)、写真
- 委員会への問合わせ内容、特別な要望、アンケート調査の回答を含む、委員会提供される情報
- 銀行口座情報
- 緊急時の連絡先
- その他筑波会議 への参加又は事後対応のために必要とされる最小限度の情報
- 法務省出入国管理庁にあなたの個人データの開示を求められた場合
- 法令遵守の一環として保険会社等にあなたの個人データを提供する場合
- 筑波会議参加中に、病気・事故、自然災害が発生した場合、あなたの安全確保や危機管理のため、病院や行政機関などに個人データの提供を求められた場合
- あなたが筑波会議に対面参加した場合で、対面参加者の中に、新型コロナウィルス感染症の陽性と判明した者または濃厚接触者がいた場合に、新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大防止に必要な対応を行うため、保健所等の公的機関などに個人データの提供を求められた場合
- 自己に関係するの個人データ及び個人データの取扱いに関する情報へアクセスする権利
- 自己に関係する個人データの訂正又は消去を求める権利
- データ主体と関係する取扱いの制限を管理者から得ることを要求する権利
- データポータビリティの権利
- 自己に関係する個人データの取扱いに対して異議を述べる権利
- データ主体に関する法的効果を発生させる、又はデータ主体に対して同様の重大な影響を及ぼすプロファイリングを含む専ら自動化された取扱いに基づいた決定の対象とされない権利
- 不利益を受けずにいつでも同意を撤回する権利(ただし、その撤回前の同意に基づく取扱いの適法性に影響を与えるものではありません。)
- 【EEA等居住者の場合】
- 筑波会議委員会事務局
- E-mail: