Plant biotechnology includeing genome editing technology and gene recombination technology has become an important technology that supports food security. This session, hosted by the Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC) of the University of Tsukuba, will focus on 1)Potential contribution of crop breeding to the food crisis 2) Development of Genome editing crops  in Japan and US We will introduce our efforts and 3)Global challenges and current status of Genome editing crops.
After the lecture, a panel discussion by experts will discuss the role of biotechnology crops in food security. Jointly held with JST / OPERA "Creation of innovative cutting-edge technology that opens up the future of food". Regarding participation in the presentation from the United States, the lecture will be recorded in advance and distributed on the day.

ゲノム編集技術や遺伝子組換え技術に代表される植物バイオテクノロジーは、フードセキュリティーを支える重要な技術となっている。筑波大学つくば機能植物イノベーション研究センター(Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center, T-PIRC) が主催する本セッションでは、バイオテクノロジー作物について

  1. 国内外における開発状況
  2. 日本国内の商業利用におけるリスク低減に関する取り組み
  3. ゲノム編集作物の世界的な課題と現状


