Under the theme of "Zero Emissions in Agriculture", researchers, policy maker, farmer, and consultant in Japan and overseas will present their research and opinions from their respective standpoints. Following the presentations, a panel discussion on the perspective of "Zero-emission agriculture beyond NEW NORMAL" will be held.
The discussion will extend the vision for the future and work with people from various fields. The session will convey a message that includes a wide range of issues that go beyond the prevention of global warming.
The poster for this session and details on how to participate can be downloaded from "Session Info" at the bottom of this page.
Speakers Info
- Moderator: Ayaka W. KISHIMOTO-MO
- Ayaka was born in China. After graduating from Peking University, she obtained her PhD from the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University, and worked as an assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba and a senior researcher at the Agricultural Environmental Technology Research Institute before assuming her current position. Currently engaged in research that contributes to policy-making of mitigation measures, such as evaluation of climate change mitigation potential by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural land through management.
She was one of the lead authors of the 2013 Wetlands Supplement to 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2019 IPCC Refinement. See the link for more information. - Speaker1: Sonoko D. BELLINGRATH-KIMURA
- Sonoko is both a professor of land-use systems in Humboldt University of Berlin and a co-head of land-use and governance research in Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). She earned her Ph.D. in soil science from Hokkaido University and then a tenure from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. She has been working on the study of carbon and nutrient cycling to establish a balanced land use system. In Germany, she participates in committees of the state, German Federal Diet and Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on how to link agricultural digitization to environmental conservation as a board member and expert of the Crop Society. In this session, she introduces the new ICT-based field arrangements being studied in DAKIS project. See the links for more information: CV, Video, ZALF, DAKIS project
- Speaker2: Takeshi TOKIDA
- Takeshi received a Ph.D. in science from Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo. He became current after serving as a JSPS Research Fellow and a NIAES term researcher. His specialty is biogeochemistry in wetland ecosystems including rice paddies. He conducts research with the purpose of balancing "adaptation measures" and "mitigation measures" for climate change and establishing a more environmental-friendly and sustainable paddy rice cultivation system. Since FY2020, he has been developing ways to reduce methane (CH4) emission from paddy fields in collaboration with researchers in the areas of genetic breeding and microbiology on NEDO Moonshot Project (dSOIL).
See the links for more information:
CV, dSOIL project (Theme 4: CH4 Recycling) - Speaker3: Erina FUSHIMI
- After completing her master's degree in agriculture at Kyoto University, Erina assumed her current position. Her expertise was in plant breeding, and she conducted research on the genetic elements involved in the flowering of paddy rice. Currently, she works on model development for paddy rice development in Meteorology and Crop Modeling Group, Division of Climate Change Adaptation Research. In this session, she introduces the Climate Change Adaptation Research utilizing the "Early Warning and Decision Support System using Agro-Meteorological Grid Square Data System" developed by her Group. See the links for more information: CV, NARO channel (農業気象情報データ提供システム)
- Speaker4: Akiko NAGANO
- In 1997, Akiko joined Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and started her career. After serving as an Expert Officer, International Research Division, Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Division, and Deputy Director, Plant Protection Division, she became in charge of agricultural negotiations on climate change in April 2017. She was in charge of international conferences and international cooperation for more than 10 years in her career as an official. In 2019, she planned international symposiums in Japan including "Agriculture is the Solution! For Climate Change" which was organized by MAFF and supported by FAO, 4/1000 Initiative and the World Bank. In July 2021, she was seconded to FAO, as a member of FAO’s “Koronivia Plus Team" to support the Koronivia joint work for agriculture under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, from outside the negotiations. See the links for more information: Agriculture is the solution! for climate change (Presentation), KWJA
- Speaker5: Nittaya CHA-UN
- Nittaya received her Ph.D. at KMUTT in 2017. She visited NIAES (currently NIAES, NARO) for a short time in 2013 while she was in doctoral program. Her research themes are technology to mitigate methane in paddy fields and evaluation of carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions in paddy rice and upland crops rotation system. Her family runs a farm, and she also runs her farm and works for the Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, KMUTT as a postdoctoral researcher. She is also the co-founder of the Atthajariva company which runs social enterprises. She is known by locals as "Dr. Rice." In this session, she presents practical examples of greenhouse gas mitigation from three aspects: a researcher, a farmer and a social enterpreneur. Her place of residence is Phitsanulok Province, Thailand. See the links for more information: CV, KMUTT
- Panelist: Matteo FRANCIONI
- Matteo received his Ph.D. in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences from UNIVPM, (Ancona, Italy) in 2017. In 2016, during his PhD course, he was visiting student at NIAES (present NIAES, NARO) for a short time. His Ph.D. studies focused on the ecosystem services (mainly soil carbon dynamics including soil respiration) provided by different cropping systems. Currently, as a postdoctoral researcher of NIAES, he is focusing on the evaluation of biodegradable plastic mulch films in soils. As postdoc researcher at UNIVPM (2017-2019) he also performed Participatory Research and Stakeholders Involvement in EU Rual Development Programmes. He participates in the panel discussion because of his past research on “Bottom-up design process of agri-environmental measures at a land scale” for biodiversity conservation and water protection with the UNIVPM research group. See the link for more information: CV
「農業におけるゼロ・エミッション」をテーマに、国内外の農業環境等に関する研究者、行政担当者、農家、コンサルティング等に関わる者がそれぞれの立場から研究内容または意見等を発表し、その後、登壇者及びオンライン参加者全員で、“New Normal(コロナ禍後もしくは気候変動した社会)の「農業におけるゼロ・エミッション」とSDGsの実現に向けて”という観点からパネルディスカッションを実施する。