Given a situation that many global issues are taking place, COVID-19 triggered many changes in society, and a new vision for the future is necessary. In order to consider the role of science in a future society, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) launched the Moonshot R&D - MILLENNIA Program from January to July 2021. 21 teams discussed the vision for 2050 and examined the role of science and technology to realise the vision. In this session, four teams of the program share the result of the research project and discuss the vision for 2050 from many perspectives including science and technology, natural science, social science, and art.
For registration, click here, and choose "S-2."
Contact : akiyama.hajime.u.tsukuba(%) Replace (%) with @.
Cooperated by Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Tsukuba; Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability, University of Tsukuba; Team Post-Anthropocene
Supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA); JST-ERATO NOMURA Microbial Community Control Project; Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Science, University of Tsukuba
Organisers : Hajime Akiyama, Shun-ichi Urayama
Staff: Kosuke Sato (Third Year Student, College of Social Sciences, School of Social and International Studies, University of Tsukuba), Hikaru Akuzawa (Third Year Student, College of Social Sciences, School of Social and International Studies, University of Tsukuba)

お問い合わせ先:akiyama.hajime.u.tsukuba(%) (%)を@にご変更の上、ご送信ください。
協力:筑波大学人文社会系、筑波大学 微生物サステイナビリティ研究センター、チーム ポスト・アントロポセン
後援:科学技術振興機構、宇宙航空開発研究機構、ERATO 野村集団微生物制御プロジェクト、筑波大学 人文社会国際比較研究機構
スタッフ:佐藤公亮(筑波大学 社会・国際学群 社会学類3年)、阿久澤ひかる(筑波大学 社会・国際学群 社会学類3年)