*The language of the session is Japanese.
(English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation available)
In the turbulent times with COVID-19, new leaders are needed to achieve an inclusive society which is described in SDGs and Society 5.0.
This session aims to; clarify the meaning of “diversity”, and share ideas on leadership programs that incorporate the skills and abilities needed for effective leadership. The session will invite cutting-edge professionals in the field of diversity and inclusion leadership.
Please access the form from REGISTRATION, and register by [Wednesday, September 29, 12:00 P.M. JST].
Please be sure to select [S-4]. If you apply without choosing our session, we will not be able to send you the ZOOM meeting URL.
After registration is completed, we will reply with the URL and password to participate in ZOOM. (Information will be sent by email by the day before the session.)
参加希望の方は【9月29日(水) 12:00】までに、筑波会議2021Webページ内、REGISTRATIONよりお申込みください。