South and Southeast Asia are one of the major agricultural hubs of the world, facing challenges of climate change and feeding the fast-growing population after the COVID 19. To solve the crisis, a transboundary approach along with it, AI and BIG data for Bioinformatics are required to increase yield and minimize pre-post-harvest losses in intangible climates for driving the sustainable development goal (SDG) by 2050 (Society 5.0 SDG 1 & 2). The aim of the session is to focus on the solution of fill out the gaps of production due to COVID 19 through smart agriculture and IoT to ensure food security for feeding the 9 billion population by 2050.

South and Southeast Asia are one of the major agricultural hubs of the world, facing challenges of climate change and feeding the fast-growing population after the COVID 19. To solve the crisis, a transboundary approach along with it, AI and BIG data for Bioinformatics are required to increase yield and minimize pre-post-harvest losses in intangible climates for driving the sustainable development goal (SDG) by 2050 (Society 5.0 SDG 1 & 2). The aim of the session is to focus on the solution of fill out the gaps of production due to COVID 19 through smart agriculture and IoT to ensure food security for feeding the 9 billion population by 2050.