2019年6月14日(金)、World Cultural Council(WCC)が2019年の科学賞・芸術賞と特別表彰の受賞者を発表しました。

■ Albert Einstein World Award of Science(科学賞)

    Zhong Lin Wang 氏、ジョージア工科大学(米国)

■ Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts(芸術賞)

    Paulo Branco 氏、映画プロデューサー(ポルトガル)

■ 特別表彰

  • 池田 和浩(いけだ かずひろ) 氏、産業技術総合研究所
  • 市橋 泰範(いちはし やすのり) 氏、理化学研究所
  • 後田 裕(うしろだ ゆたか) 氏、高エネルギー加速器研究機構
  • 内田 健一(うちだ けんいち) 氏、物質・材料研究機構
  • 江波 進一(えなみ しんいち)氏、国立環境研究所
  • 菊池 康紀(きくち やすのり) 氏、東京大学
  • 島田 裕子(しまだ ゆうこ) 氏、筑波大学
  • 松本 正幸(まつもと まさゆき) 氏、筑波大学
  • 宮内 博之(みやうち ひろゆき) 氏、建築研究所
  • 吉岡 太陽(よしおか たいよう) 氏、農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構

WCCは世界各国124名の著名な研究者等によって1981年に設立され、1984年以降、科学・教育・芸術の分野において優れた業績を持つ人物を選出してAlbert Einstein World Award of Science(科学賞)、José Vasconcelos World Award of Education(教育賞)、Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts(芸術賞)を授与しています。WCCの授賞式は毎秋、世界各国の大学等との共催により開催され、共催機関・開催国から推薦を受けた研究者等の特別表彰も実施されます。



On June 14, 2019, The World Cultural Council (WCC) announced the winners of the 2019 Albert Einstein World Award of Science and Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts. Along with the award winners' names, it has been revealed that they are going to give special recognition to ten young researchers from Japan for their outstanding performance in their respective field. Here is the list of the award winners and the recipients of special recognition: ■ Albert Einstein World Award of Science
    Dr. Zhong Lin Wang
    Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
■ Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts
    Paulo Branco
    Portuguese independent film producer
■ Special regocnitions
  • Dr. Shinichi Enami
    Senior Researcher, Center for Environmental Measurement and Analysis, National Institute for Environmental Studies
  • Dr. Yasunori Ichihashi
    Team Leader at Japan’s RIKEN BioResource Research Center
  • Dr. Kazuhiro Ikeda
    Group Leader, Electronics and Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
  • Dr. Yasunori Kikuchi
    Associate Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo
  • Dr. Masayuki Matsumoto
    Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
  • Dr. Hiroyuki Miyauchi
    Senior Research Engineer, Department of Building Materials and Components, Building Research Institute
  • Dr. Yuko Shimada
    Assistant Professor, Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University of Tsukuba
  • Dr. Ken-ichi Uchida
    Group Leader, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, National Institute for Materials Science
  • Dr. Yutaka Ushiroda
    Professor, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Group Leader, Belle Group, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
  • Dr. Taiyo Yoshioka
    Researcher, Division of Biotechnology, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization

  • In 1981, the WCC was founded by 124 distinguished academic personalities from all over the world. Since 1984, they have been granted the Albert Einstein World Award of Science, José Vasconcelos World Award of Education and Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts to praise persons with outstanding achievements in the fields of science, education or arts. Each fall, the organization holds an award ceremony in coordination with an academic institution from around the world. Special recognitions will be given to researchers who have been recommended by the host institution or country. This time, the award ceremony will be jointly hosted with the University of Tsukuba, as a special session at the Tsukuba Conference 2019. There will also be special lectures by the award winners and the President of the WCC. If you would like to know more about the events, please visit the dedicated web page from the link below.
    Related Website https://tsukuba-conference.com/wcc/