Accumulation of fundamental research on plants, food, and the biological macromolecules and bioactive substances that compose them has the potential to realize food security, improved nutrition, and sustainable agriculture. In this session, young researchers who is making full use of approaches from various fields not just agriculture will gather to introduce their own latest research, and discuss together the topic "Is it possible to fuse their research? as well as "Can the fusion open up the future of food sustainability 30 years from now?".


Contact: Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center, Akiho Sumita (Office manager)
Mail:, Tel:029-853-6006



お問い合わせ先: 筑波大学つくば植物機能イノベーション研究センター 事務担当 住田秋穂
Mail:, Tel:029-853-6006