
2019年から隔年で実施され3回目となる今回は、4年ぶりに対面開催が復活。テーマは、"Design the Future - Curiosity-driven Quests for Global Solutions"(訳:未来をデザインする ~好奇心で挑むグローバル・ソリューション~)です。

初日は、プレナリーセッション(開会式)を皮切りに、Global Young Academy共同代表のPriscilla Kolibea MANTE氏、Nature誌編集長のMagdalena SKIPPER氏、STSフォーラム理事長の小宮山 宏氏を招いての基調講演などが実施されました。

筑波会議委員会委員長 永田 恭介 学長は、「国、職業、分野、組織など、あらゆる垣根を越えて、未来を創る若手たち『フューチャー・シェイパー』の議論とコラボレーションを促進する場となりますように」 と冒頭で挨拶しました。


On September 26, the Tsukuba Conference 2023 has just started at the Tsukuba International Congress Center.
Outstanding young people from industry, government, and academia gather from around the world to discuss various social and scientific issues and to form a network.

This conference which first started in 2019 is the third time and the main theme is " Design the Future - Curiosity-driven Quests for Global Solutions."

The first day of the conference began with a plenary session (opening ceremony), followed by keynote lectures by Dr. Priscilla Kolibea MANTE, Co-President of the Global Young Academy; Dr. Magdalena SKIPPER, Editor-in-Chief of Nature; and Dr. KOMIYAMA Hiroshi, Executive Director of the STS Forum.

President NAGATA Kyosuke, Chair of the Tsukuba Conference Committee, opened his remarks by saying:

The purpose of the Tsukuba Conference is to bring together "future shapers (talented young leaders)" across all borders, be they national, professional, disciplinary, or institutional, to facilitate discussion and collaboration.

The Tsukuba Conference will run for three days until September 28, with about 40 sessions and events scheduled, including talks with Nobel Laureates and lectures by young members of various universities and research institutes worldwide.